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CDIAS PSMG: Theresa Matson

What works, for whom, and when: Coincidence analysis for implementation science

Theresa Matson, PhD, MPH
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Understanding why some interventions succeed while others fail is crucial for implementing evidence-based practices in real-world settings. Implementation efforts are complex, involving many factors, including the intervention itself, the strategies used to put it into practice, and the unique characteristics of each setting. Traditional research methods provide valuable insights, but they may not fully capture how different factors come together to influence success. This presentation provides an overview of Coincidence Analysis (CNA), a mathematical, case-based method that can uncover multiple pathways to success by modeling combinations of factor values that are minimally necessary and sufficient for an outcome. CNA can be applied as a standalone method or in conjunction with other approaches; we will discuss the types of questions that CNA is well-suited to answer. Finally, in an applied example, this presentation will share novel findings from secondary analysis of an implementation trial that used CNA to identify “difference-makers” that consistently and uniquely distinguished clinics that increased opioid use disorder treatment from those that did not. 

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CDIAS PSMG: Ekaterina Burduli

A Mobile Approach to Empower Perinatal Women with Opioid Use Disorder and Enhance Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Care

Ekaterina Burduli, PhD, MS
Washington State University

Substance use during pregnancy and parenthood presents significant public health challenges, with potentially severe consequences for mothers and infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Addressing this issue requires innovative, comprehensive interventions and patient-centered approaches to improve care for perinatal women and families impacted by substance use disorders (SUD). This presentation will describe a NIDA-funded K01 study that focuses on developing and assessing the usability, acceptability, and feasibility of a mobile educational tool designed to support pregnant women with OUD in navigating the perinatal period and infant NAS care. Qualitative data that guided the tool's development will be presented, alongside findings from user testing and a pilot randomized trial.

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CDIAS PSMG: Andrea Jakubowski

Low Threshold Buprenorphine: What do we know and where do we go from here?

Andrea Jakubowski, MD, MS

Over two decades into the opioid overdose crisis, buprenorphine remains underutilized and inaccessible to many people with opioid use disorder. Improving accessibility and utilization requires attention to where treatment is offered and how patients are treated once they enter care. In this presentation, Dr. Jakubowski will describe: 1) principles of low-threshold buprenorphine; 2) clinical and implementation data on syringes services program (SSP)-based buprenorphine programs; 3) early findings from Dr. Jakubowski’s NIDA K23 examining implementation of long-acting injectable buprenorphine in SSP and primary care clinics; 4) description and rationale of CTN-0155: Low-Threshold Buprenorphine Treatment at Syringe Services Programs: A Type I Hybrid Effectiveness-implementation Trial.

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CDIAS PSMG: Tanya Saraiya

Addressing Underlying Trauma in Opioid Use

Tanya Saraiya, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina

Up to 90% of people with opioid use disorder (OUD) have trauma exposure and up to 41% have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, studies estimate that less than 12% of people with OUD and co-occurring PTSD receive treatment for their PTSD. Dr. Saraiya will present her early career work on assessing and addressing underlying trauma among people struggling with opioid use. Specifically, she will share findings from a new integrated therapy for opioid use disorder and PTSD and the development of a digital toolkit to assess for intimate partner violence in three opioid treatment programs in South Carolina. Throughout this talk, other projects and associated reflections on how systemic racism and healthcare barriers influence trauma and opioid use treatment will be discussed.

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CDIAS PSMG: Beth Rutkowski and Thomas Freese

Contingency Management: Implementation of a Highly Effective Intervention for the Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorder

Beth Rutkowski, MPH
University of California, Los Angeles

Thomas Freese, PhD
University of California, Los Angeles

Recent evidence indicates that methamphetamine and cocaine play a substantial and increasing role in the illicit drug crisis in the US—the 4th wave of the overdose crisis. The behavioral treatment known as contingency management (CM) has more than three decades of robust research supporting its efficacy for individuals with stimulant use disorder (StimUD). Despite overwhelming evidence supporting CM, it has not been widely used in routine treatment outside the VA healthcare system. This situation is changing as states are arranging funding for CM and developing CM programming for individuals with StimUD.

This presentation will begin with a brief overview of how cocaine and methamphetamine use are contributing to the current overdose crisis. Presenters will review CM protocol elements, evidence for CM, current obstacles to widespread implementation of CM, and strategies for addressing barriers. Present implementation strategies and preliminary results form the Recovery Incentive Program: California’s Contingency Management Benefit. This is the first program to implement CM using Medicaid funding through an 1115 Waiver. The Recovery Incentives Program is being systematically implemented using the Science to Service Lab (SSL) implementation approach which features three core components: didactic training, performance feedback, and external facilitation, augmented with a readiness assessment process for sites and an ongoing fidelity monitoring and feedback component. Strategies to track results of urine drug screens, calculate incentive amounts, and deliver incentives to the participants will be discussed. The presentation will describe implementation processes and will present preliminary results after 18 months of operation, demonstrating both the feasibility, replicability, and effectiveness of a large-scale rollout of this treatment.

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CDIAS PSMG: Kelli Scott

Enhancing Data Driven Approaches to Recovery Monitoring via Measurement Based Care Co-Design and Implementation

Kelli Scott, PhD
Northwestern University

Measurement-based care (MBC) involves the systematic evaluation of client treatment progress and the use of progress data to inform treatment planning. Although MBC is an evidence-based practice that has been widely studied in behavioral health settings, there is a dearth of research exploring its potential to monitor recovery progress for individuals receiving treatment for opioid use disorder. Key gaps in the literature include: 1) the lack of measurement tools aligned with treatment provider and patient needs; 2) limited study of needed MBC adaptations to support integration into opioid treatment; and 3) the need for greater evidence supporting the effectiveness and implementation of MBC in the opioid treatment program setting. This webinar will highlight findings from two ongoing studies, the Measurement Based Care to Opioid Treatment Programs Project (MBC2OTP) and the HEALing Measurement Center, which aim to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of MBC in Chicagoland and Pennsylvania opioid treatment programs, respectively. This webinar has three key aims: 1) to orient participants to the potential impact of MBC on substance use treatment outcomes; 2) to highlight community-partnered co-design processes that can support MBC implementation in opioid treatment programs; and 3) to present preliminary data on needed MBC measure and protocol adaptations, as well as implementation strategies to support scale up.

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CDIAS PSMG: JD Smith and James Merle

The Longitudinal Implementation Strategy Tracking System (LISTS): Lessons learned from applying the method and new online tool

JD Smith, PhD
University of Utah

James Merle, PhD
University of Utah

Documenting and tracking the dynamic changes to implementation strategies over time is crucial for advancing implementation science. Several methods for tracking strategies have been proposed recently, underscoring the importance of continued development of methods to accurately assess and monitor which strategies are used, and how and why they change over time. Continued methodologic work is needed to test and optimize a methodology and a data capture interface that balances rigor, feasibility, and usability. The novel Longitudinal Implementation Strategy Tracking System (LISTS) method was developed to address the limitations of the existing methods to advance the science of strategy tracking toward greater transparency and use of common data elements. Drs. Smith and Merle will provide an overview of the LISTS method and its use and lessons learned from use of the method in several implementation trials, followed by a demonstration of a freely-accessible online tool.

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CDIAS PSMG: Rachel Shelton and Nathalie Moise

Lessons learned in the Development of De-Implementation Strategies to Address Mammography Overscreening among Older Women: Findings from an Innovation Tournament and Discrete Choice Experiment

Rachel Shelton, ScD, MPH
Columbia University

Nathalie Moise, MD, MS
Columbia University

There is a need and opportunity to advance the science of de-implementation. Mammography screening among women 75 and older presents a robust area for inquiry related to de-implementation, as routine screening can lead to potential harms (e.g., overdiagnosis, overtreatment) while health benefits remain uncertain. Guided by de-implementation frameworks and methodological approaches from the field of implementation science, this presentation will discuss lessons learned and key findings from an online innovation tournament and discrete choice experiment to identify, select, and tailor de-implementation strategies at the patient, provider, and system levels for reducing mammography overuse in older women.

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CDIAS PSMG: Beth Meyerson

Methadone Patient Access to Collaborative Treatment (MPACT)

Beth Meyerson, MDiv, PhD
University of Arizona

Methadone Patient Access to Collaborative Treatment (MPACT) is an experimental, multimodal intervention for methadone clinic staff and funded by NIDA. This presentation will provide a brief overview of MPACT, discuss the planned hybrid trial (late fall 2025), the village that collaboratively developed MPACT and the importance of fidelity tracking for intervention precision.

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CDIAS PSMG: Berkeley Franz

The Buprenorphine Prescribing Support Program for Rural Primary Care

Berkeley Franz, PhD
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

Buprenorphine is a critical tool to prevent overdose and infectious disease transmission in people with opioid use disorder, but it is difficult to access in rural areas. A promising solution is to engage rural primary care professionals. But the willingness of primary care professionals to prescribe this medication presents a vexing implementation science challenge—fewer than 8% of PCPs have ever prescribed buprenorphine. Stigma is a well-accepted prescribing barrier, but few implementation studies have focused on measuring and addressing the different types of stigma that matter for implementation. To address these barriers, we developed, iterated, refined, and pilot tested a brief, online stigma-reduction intervention that pairs clinical training on buprenorphine with exposure to 1) other rural PCPs who prescribe buprenorphine and 2) patients who received buprenorphine and are in sustained recovery. The Buprenorphine Prescribing Support Program (BPSP) is paired with a booster module and long-term prescribing mentorship. In this presentation, we will present the data that informed the development of the Buprenorphine Prescribing Support Program and results from a pilot clinical trial. Our long-term goal is a brief, effective stigma-reduction program that can be easily scaled to encourage widespread, appropriate buprenorphine use in rural primary care.

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CDIAS PSMG: Ginger McKay

Establishing evidence criteria to identify and disseminate best practice implementation strategies in HIV

Ginger McKay, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis

Given the progress of implementation research to address the HIV epidemic in the US, criteria specifically for evaluating the quality of implementation research and strategy effectiveness are needed to recommend strategies likely to have impact for practitioners. We will describe the development and application of the Best Practices Tool, a set of criteria to evaluate the evidence supporting HIV-specific implementation strategies. Our approach involved in three steps: key informant interviews to develop an initial set of criteria, a Delphi to refine the tool, and then piloting with existing published research to finalize our tool. We now are currently working to identify and disseminate strategies that meet the highest criteria levels for improving the uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV and HIV testing with plans to address subsequent aspects of the HIV care continuum.

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CDIAS PSMG: Ross Brownson

Revisiting Concepts of Evidence in Implementation Science

Ross Brownson, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis

Evidence, in multiple forms, is a foundation of implementation research. For public health and clinical practice, evidence includes: Type 1 evidence on etiology and burden; Type 2 evidence on effectiveness of interventions; and Type 3: evidence on dissemination and implementation within context. Because current concepts of evidence have been relatively narrow and insufficient, this presentation will identify and discuss challenges and debates about the uses, usefulness, and gaps in evidence for implementation research. Intersecting gaps include the need to: (1) reconsider how the evidence base is determined, (2) improve understanding of contextual effects on implementation, (3) sharpen the focus on health equity in how we approach and build the evidence-base, and (4) learn from audience and stakeholder differences. Recommendations for enhancing the uses and usefulness of evidence will be presented.

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CDIAS PSMG: Kathryn McCollister

Costing and Payment Tools in Addiction Research to Support Effective Dissemination of Economic Evidence

Kathryn McCollister, PhD
University of Miami

Recent studies of the costs and economic impact of interventions for substance use disorder (SUD) have led to the development of costing tools and reimbursement calculators that support cost-effectiveness and cost-offset analyses and provide payers and other stakeholders with tailored products to assess budget impact and financial sustainability. This work reflects products from recent large-scale NIH research cooperatives (Helping End Addiction Long-term (HEAL)-ing Communities Study; Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN); HEAL Prevention Cooperative; HEAL Data2Action), which have established direct partnerships between health economic researchers, clinical researchers, SUD providers, state and local community agencies, and payers. An important objective in working more directly with different stakeholders to design tailored products and resources is to support both rigorous economic data collection and the effective dissemination of economic evidence for better decision making. This webinar will provide an overview of recently developed costing and payment tools and discuss how these tools are being implemented by stakeholders to optimize sustainability of high value interventions.

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CDIAS PSMG: Brittany Bryant

Understanding the Impact of Discrimination on Substance Use Among Black Justice-Involved Youth: A NIDA K23 Study

Brittany Bryant, DSW, LCSW-CP/S
University of California San Francisco

Substance use among Black justice-involved youth is a critical public health issue, often exacerbated by experiences of discrimination and systemic racism. This NIDA K23 study aims to investigate the complex relationship between discrimination and substance use within this vulnerable population. Through qualitative interviews, the study will explore how perceived discrimination shapes substance use behaviors and the protective factors that may buffer against these effects. The insights gained will inform the development of culturally adapted interventions designed to reduce substance use and promote mental health, addressing the broader issues of criminalization and health disparities among Black youth. The process for culturally adaptations will be discussed with examples of the culturally adapted intervention provided.

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CDIAS PSMG: Beth Darnall

Integration of a 1-session pain relief skills intervention across patient populations and practice settings

Beth Darnall, PhD
Stanford School of Medicine

While national best practices guidelines call for a biopsychosocial approach to treating acute and chronic pain, few evidence-based options are broadly accessible to the people who need them. Poor access to effective non-pharmacologic pain treatment contributes to substance use, pain care disparities and human suffering. Brief, effective, and online behavioral pain treatments are needed across the continuum of care. In this session, Dr. Darnall will review published efficacy data from 4 randomized trials on a 1-session pain relief skills intervention (Empowered Relief®). Empowered Relief is NIH and PCORI-funded, scalable, evidence-based, disseminated and adopted by major healthcare organizations across the U.S. and internationally (29 countries) within primary care, tertiary care and perioperative pathways. Adaptations and applications in special populations will be discussed (Veterans, Military, Corrections settings).

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CDIAS PSMG: Todd Molfenter and Faye S Taxman

Tackling the Uptake of MOUD for Individuals Incarcerated in Jail

Todd Molfenter, PhD
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Faye Taxman, PhD
George Mason University

In an experiment that explored which implementation strategy—coaching using the NIATx goal process and ECHO, which prepares clinicians to increase the use of MOUD—affects the uptake and penetration of MOUD in jail settings. The presentation will: 1)identify techniques to correct misinformation; 2) discuss the impact of interagency change teams; 3) discuss the efficacy of different coaching and/or ECHO implementation strategies; and 4) use a web-based coaching model. The study findings illustrate that improving MOUD utilization in jail settings requires attention to cultural and work process issues.

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CDIAS PSMG: Stephen Martin and Stephanie Strong

Better, Faster, Cheaper, and Scaled: Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in the Fentanyl Era

Stephen Martin, MD, EdM
Boulder Care

Stephanie Strong, CEO, Founder
Boulder Care

Treating opioid use disorder may be described as a “strike while the iron’s hot” scenario. Treatment must occur before doubts, withdrawal, or challenging life circumstances overwhelm someone who is interested, closing the window of opportunity. Despite nationwide efforts to expand access to highly effective medications like methadone and buprenorphine, both remain underused due to a combination of regulatory and attitudinal barriers. These barriers manifest in long wait-times (a problem of timing) and treatment scarcity (a problem of scale).

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CDIAS PSMG: Sara Malone

Measuring Interprofessional Communication in Pediatric Hospital Care

Sara Malone, LCSW, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis

This presentation will discuss multiple studies aimed at measuring interprofessional communication and assessing it as a determinant of implementation and sustainability. I will discuss measurement development and the use of network methods to assess provider communication.

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CDIAS PSMG: Jure Baloh

Supervision in addiction treatment programs: (Some) insights and future research ideas.

Jure Baloh, PhD, MHA
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a significant public health burden in the US, affecting almost 50 million individuals annually. Community specialty SUD treatment programs (“SUD programs”) are key treatment providers and while effective treatments for SUD exist, significant issues in the organization and delivery of SUD programs undermine the delivery of high-quality services. Supervisors in SUD programs are centrally positioned to support SUD counselors (frontline clinical providers) and ensure high service quality. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of supervision and its conceptualization, highlight recent findings from Arkansas, and outline (some) research directions for the future.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Kristin Kan

Implementation and User-Centered Design in Outpatient Care: A Case-Study with Pediatric Asthma and Digital Health

Kristin Kan, MD, MPH, MSc
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Of the 5.5 million US children with pediatric asthma, over half have uncontrolled symptoms due in part to poor asthma self-management, leading to high rates of acute unscheduled care and activity limitations. Guideline-based, preventive asthma care is a critical step in reducing uncontrolled symptoms among high-risk asthma populations. An asthma care model using technology-enhanced tools, like digital device monitoring and population health management, is one promising approach to aid patients’ adherence to recommended care. However, implementation of technology-based care in outpatient care settings poses real-world barriers with integration in health delivery systems, changing health provider behaviors, and shifting care out of the clinic into home and community environments. In 2016, the Center for Food Allergy and Asthma Research (NU) partnered with community and hospital-affiliated primary care practices with using digital medication sensors and a mobile app with patients in a randomized trial. Using CFIR, interviews with patients, nurses, and clinicians were conducted post-trial to understand implementation constructs. The findings informed an upcoming feasibility trial, leveraging a population health model and digital asthma app and device. This presentation will reflect on the dynamic context of health system’s use of digital-enhanced healthcare, engagement of health providers and patients in changed expectations with these tools, and redesign that had to be considered for implementing in the outpatient care setting.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Helene Chokron Garneau, Bryan Garner, Heather Gotham, Beth McGinty and Terrinieka Powell

Pragmatic Implementation Science Guides and Measures to Enhance the Impact of Your Research

Helene Chokron Garneau, PhD, MPH
Stanford School of Medicine

Bryan Garner, PhD
Ohio State University

Heather Gotham, PhD
Stanford School of Medicine

Beth McGinty, PhD
Weill Cornell Medical College

Terrinieka Powell, PhD
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Implementation science focuses on how to get effective interventions into practice; however, there is a lack of feasible, pragmatic tools that intervention researchers or those curious about implementation science can use to increase the likelihood that effective treatments are spread and scaled up in healthcare. Workgroups composed of implementation science experts, addiction and pain management intervention developers, and health services researchers from the NIDA-funded Center for Dissemination and Implementation At Stanford (C-DIAS) and HEAL Data2Action Research Adoption Support Center (RASC) developed a set of pragmatic guides and measures to democratize implementation science concepts and frameworks. These guides and measures focus on five key components of implementation science and are designed to support researchers, and anyone seeking to evaluate or implement a health care innovation. 

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C-DIAS PSMG: Whitney Irie

At the Pace of Trust: The Role of Trustworthiness in Implementation Science

Whitney Irie, PhD
Boston College

Abstract: This manuscript-in-progress presentation will prompt critical discourse around trustworthiness as a fundamental determinant, critical strategy, and indispensable outcome in implementation science. 

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C-DIAS PSMG: Jennifer McNeely

Partnering with a large health system to study the effectiveness of an innovative clinical program to improve care for hospital patients with substance use disorders:  Pragmatic trial of the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) program in 6 New York City public hospitals

Jennifer McNeely, MD
NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) have high rates of hospitalization, and frequently have poor health outcomes and low rates of addiction treatment.  Hospital-based addiction consult services have the potential to improve inpatient and post-discharge care for patients with substance use disorders (SUD), and can be an important component of strategies to reduce opioid-related overdose.  Beginning in 2017, with special funds from the NYC Mayor’s Office to address the opioid crisis, the New York City Health + Hospitals (H+H) system began the Consult for Addiction Treatment and Care in Hospitals (CATCH) program in 6 hospitals.  We partnered with H+H to design the program model and conduct a NIDA-funded pragmatic trial of the CATCH program focused on patients with opioid use disorder (OUD).  A hybrid effectiveness-implementation study (Type 1) studied the effectiveness of CATCH for increasing post-discharge initiation and engagement in OUD treatment, while studying the process of implementing this large new program in public hospital settings to inform its adoption and sustainability.  A stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial design compared treatment outcomes for patients hospitalized during the CATCH versus treatment as usual periods.  A mixed methods approach primarily utilized Medicaid claims data to measure outcomes, while electronic health records data and interviews with staff and patients provided additional information on implementation fidelity and barriers.  Our study involved active ongoing collaboration with the H+H system, including through the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented unprecedented challenges to the City’s public hospitals.  This talk will reflect on the process of partnering with a large health system to study a new program, present findings on the program’s effectiveness, and discuss the implementation process and outcomes.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Justin Presseau

From single to multiple behaviour change approaches in implementation science

Justin Presseau, PhD
University of Ottawa

Behaviour change theory-informed implementation intervention development and evaluation often focuses on improving sub-optimally performed clinical practice, redressing variations in care, or de-implementing lower-value care. In many instances, such approaches focus on a given clinical action as the target for change. However, the professional context of those delivering healthcare and the lived experience of those receiving healthcare are characterised by navigating contexts involving engaging in multiple behaviours; where engaging in a given action may impact on other competing demands and/or the actions of others. Predominant methodological approaches and theoretical lenses used in implementation science may not yet be accounting for this system of multiple behaviours. This talk will explore the challenges and opportunities of shifting from a single behaviour to a multiple behaviour approach in implementation science. With examples of implementation research across a variety of chronic disease topic areas, this talk will explore the implications and opportunities for shifting to a multiple behaviour change approach for: identifying gaps in care and selecting focal behaviour(s), identifying theory-informed barriers/enablers to change, selecting intervention strategies and change techniques, and evaluating implementation strategies.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Catherine Brown Johnson and Steve Asch

The Stanford Lightning Report: An Implementation Science Rapid Qualitative Approach for Formative Evaluation

Catherine Brown Johnson, PhD
Stanford School of Medicine

Steve Asch, MD, MPH
Stanford School of Medicine

The Stanford Lightning Report is a structured but flexible rapid qualitative approach used to increase the pace of learning in healthcare implementation. Supporting Learning Health System goals as well as large-scale research agendas, it can be applied across settings, from quality improvement and to randomized trials, ensuring more successful implementation. This talk includes examples of Lightning Report use in addiction settings (e-cigarettes and opioid use), step-by-step instructions on how to employ the approach, and hands-on just-in-time consultation on how to incorporate the Lightning Report into your projects.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Katherine Watkins

Implementing Collaborative Care for Co-Occurring Disorders in low-resourced settings

Katherine Watkins, MD, MSHS
RAND Corporation

Untreated co-occurring opioid use disorders and mental illness are prevalent and can have devastating consequences for the individual, their families, and the community. The Collaborative Care Model (CoCM) improves outcomes by addressing problems in access and quality for primary care patients with common behavioral health conditions but has not been implemented and tested for co-occurring disorders. This presentation will describe the development and implementation of a CoCM program for co-occurring opioid and mental health disorders in 17 primary care clinics in New Mexico and California. Using Proctor et al.’s 2011/2022 taxonomy of implementation outcomes and data from an ongoing clinical trial, we present the methods used to assess implementation outcomes and results of implementation efforts on model reach and fidelity. We compare the characteristics of individuals who received an initial session with a care coordinator with those whom the care coordinator was unable to engage. Understanding who does and does not receive CC may aid in developing implementation strategies to increase reach and fidelity

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C-DIAS PSMG: Andrea Dakin, Serena Rajabiun, Alicia Downes, and Corliss Heath

Assessing Implementation Strategies for the Uptake of Bundled Interventions to Improve Culturally Relevant Care for Black women with HIV

Andrea Dakin, PhD, MA
AIDS Foundation Chicago

Serena Rajabiun, PhD
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Alicia Downes, LMSW
AIDS United

Corliss Heath, PhD
US Department of Health and Human Services

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau(HAB), Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP), Part F- Special Projects of National Significance initiative entitled Improving Care and Treatment Coordination for Black women with HIV funded 12 clinical and community-based organizations and one evaluation center to adapt, implement, and assess the uptake of evidence based/informed (EB/EI) bundled interventions to improve health outcomes and well-being for Black women with HIV. This study examines the successes, challenges, and adaptations to implementation strategies to support intervention uptake and cultural responsiveness for Black women with HIV.

Guided by the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) compilation, the Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center working in partnership with the demonstration sites selected five implementation strategies for intervention uptake: tailoring interventions to local context; train/educate stakeholders; evaluation and iterative strategies; engaging consumers; and changing infrastructure. Tracking implementation strategies and adaptations across sites required multiple approaches to data collection, as each of the twelve sites bundled two-four EB/EIs. Modifications to strategies during the pre-implementation and implementation phases were documented using FRAME-IS core modules gathered through monthly coaching calls with sites and annual site visits with evaluation center coaches and site implementation teams. This presentation will outline the data collection and analysis methods employed by the evaluation center, as well as present a case study from one of the demonstration sites.


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C-DIAS PSMG: Karen Osilla

It takes a village: Implementing a pragmatic trial to evaluate a group telehealth intervention for family members affected by opioid use disorder

Karen Osilla, PhD
Stanford University School of Medicine

Opioid use disorder (OUD) has devastating effects on individuals, families, and communities. This presentation describes eINSPIRE (INtegrating Support Persons Into REcovery), a pragmatic randomized trial that tests the Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT) intervention delivered via group telehealth therapy compared to usual care. CRAFT is an evidence-based approach for the family members or close friends (referred to as Support Persons; SPs) of individuals with a substance use disorder. Patients and SP dyads were recruited across five community health systems in Southern and Northern California that provide buprenorphine treatment and mental health services. This presentation will describe our dyadic recruitment and implementation insights on the adoption, reach, and feasibility of intervening with SPs in these settings.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Rebecca Lengnick-Hall and Gregory Aarons

Eight characteristics of rigorous multilevel implementation research: a step-by-step guide.

Rebecca Lengnick-Hall, PhD, MSW, MPA
Washington University in St. Louis

Gregory Aarons, PhD
University of California, San Diego

Although healthcare is delivered in inherently multilevel contexts, implementation science has no widely endorsed methodological standards defining the characteristics of rigorous, multilevel implementation research. Presenters will identify and describe eight characteristics of high-quality, multilevel implementation research to encourage discussion, spur debate, and guide decision-making around study design and methodological issues. These eight characteristics provide benchmarks for evaluating the quality and replicability of multilevel implementation research and promote a common language and reference points. This, in turn, facilitates knowledge generation across diverse multilevel settings and ensures that implementation research is consistent with (and appropriately leverages) what has already been learned in allied multilevel sciences. When a shared and integrated description of what constitutes rigor is defined and broadly communicated, implementation science is better positioned to innovate both methodologically and theoretically.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Jonathan Purtle

Four Ways to Conceptualize and Study Policy in Implementation Science Research

Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, MSc
New York University

This presentation will offer a typology of four ways to conceptualize policy in implementation science research: 1) Policy as something to adopt, 2) Policy as something to implement, 3) Policy as context to understand, and 4) Policy as strategy to use. Examples will be provided of studies that have conceptualized policy in these different ways in the area of behavioral health.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Bethany Kwan

Designing for Dissemination and Sustainability: Methods, Frameworks, Tools, and a Diabetes Case Example

Bethany M. Kwan, PhD, MSPH, FSBM
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Designing for dissemination and sustainability (D4DS) refers to the process of ensuring that the products of research are likely to be adopted, implemented, and sustained in the context of intended use. D4DS involves use of methods such as participatory co-design, active dissemination planning, and pragmatic trial designs to develop evidence that “fits the context” and can be readily adopted in real-world settings. This presentation will provide an overview of the rationale, principles, methods, and frameworks for D4DS. The Fit to Context Framework for D4DS is a novel process framework to guide planning, conduct, and dissemination of research, based on a narrative review of the literature on D4DS. Tools to support application of the Fit to Context Framework, including and, will be demonstrated. A case example will describe D4DS applications in the Invested in Diabetes study, a pragmatic, type II hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial of two models of diabetes shared medical appointments.

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C-DIAS PSMG: Donald Warne

Prevention science and methodology: Considerations for working with Indigenous populations

Donald Warne, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) endure some of the worst health disparities in the nation. The history of marginalization and exclusion of Indigenous voices from setting the research agenda, determining priorities, and conducting research will be explored. We will also define American Indian, Alaska Native, Native American, and Indigenous populations in the US; and we will describe the impact of preventable conditions on Indigenous health equity. We will also explore and identify opportunities to promote prevention science, methods, and implementation in AI/AN populations to improve outcomes.   

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