D&I Science Trainings
Implementation Science Videos
We reviewed IS training and presentation videos freely available on the web. Click on the button to download our table
EHE Implementation Science Summit
Continuing our training partnership with the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research, Ce-PIM supported the HIV Implementation Science Summit in December of 2019. The HIV Implementation Science Summit provided training in key implementation science concepts and methods, and examples of their application to HIV research.
Please click on the links for more information on the 65 science-practice partnerships funded by the NIH as part of Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America.
ISC3I Implementation Science Webinars
The Implementation Science Coordination, Consultation, and Collaboration Initiative (ISC3I) is funded by an administrative supplement to the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research, an NIH-funded center (P30 AI117943).
The goals of ISC3I are:
- Support high-quality implementation science (IS) in funded Ending the HIV Epidemic projects by providing technical assistance from experts on IS designs, frameworks, strategies, measures, and outcomes.
- Create opportunities to develop generalizable knowledge from local knowledge by encouraging the use of shared frameworks and harmonized measures, synthesizing data across projects, and encouraging cross-project collaboration.
As part of the resources offered by ISC3I, Juan Villamar of Ce-PIM and Jen Brown of ARCC presented a webinar on the role of academic-research partnerships in
implementation research and practice. Jen Brown is director of the
Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC) and member of
Northwestern’s Center for Community Health.
The third webinar in our series geared toward this round of applications covers implementation strategies. The presentation starts with an introduction to clarify what is meant by a strategy in the context of implementation science and how this concept is different from an intervention. Then, Patrick Sullivan and Dennis Li offer examples from their research on PrEP and eHealth HIV Prevention respectively.
Dennis Li, MPH, PhD, is an assistant professor at Northwestern University, a co-investigator at the Center for Prevention Implementation Methodology, and a core faculty member of the Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing. His research interests center on the development and implementation of technology-enabled sexual health promotion programs for young people, particularly sexual and gender minority youth.
Dr. Sullivan has 22 years of experience in HIV epidemiology and prevention in men who have sex with men in the US and globally. He worked in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 12 years, including service as Acting Deputy Division Director in the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. He also has experience overseeing biomedical prevention trials as the Associate Director of Scientific Support for the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. He is currently the PI of several NIH-supported research grants to develop improved methods for online HIV prevention studies.
Implementation Science 101 Workshop
Ce-PIM has developed a 90-minute Implementation Science workshop in partnership with the Third Coast Center for AIDS Research, a collaboration between Northwestern University and the University of Chicago. This 90-minute Implementation Science 101 Training focused on the basics of Implementation Science with an example of how to use implementation science to support diverse sexual transmitted infection (STI) clinics around the country in delivering PrEP as a delivery system to prevent spread of HIV infections.
Conducted in December of 2016, the workshop was lead by Dr. C. Hendricks Brown, Dr. J.D. Smith, Nanette Benbow and Juan Villamar and was well attended both in person and online via webcast.
Implementation Science 201 Workshop
In collaboration with the Third Coast CFAR, Ce-PIM has produced a follow-up Implementation Science workshop that builds on the material covered in our Implementation Science 101 workshop. Ce-PIM researchers Dr. Hendricks Brown, Dr. J.D. Smith, and Nanette Benbow identify the defining characteristics of trials testing implementation, provide a basic understanding of experimental designs for implementation research, and outline the key challenges of designing and conducting an implementation trial. Our researchers also demonstrate how these designs can be successfully applied to HIV transmission prevention.
Implementation research studies present unique challenges for the design of trials. This webinar discusses these challenges and provides examples of trial designs that are experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental, randomized, and non-randomized using within-site, between-site, and within- and between-site designs. We also discuss the use of effectiveness-implementation hybrid trials. Contemporary examples from HIV implementation research are used to illustrate the different trial designs. This webinar is ideal for scientists wanting to learn about implementation research trial design options.
J.D. Smith, PhD
Northwestern University