Prevention Science & Methodology Group Jan-Feb 2023 schedule

PSMG’s Virtual Grand Rounds Jan-Feb 2023 schedule is now available.

You can find the presentation details and information on how to become a PSMG member to watch the live presentations and join our discussions on our PSMG page.



The Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) program is a research infrastructure program of the Center for Community Health (CCH) and supported by Northwestern’s Institute for Public Health & Medicine (IPHAM) and the Northwestern University Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS).

The D&I program aims to improve population health and health equity by sharing research in actionable and understandable formats.

For more information about consultation related to Dissemination & Implementation please click the button below or send an email with the subject “D&I Consultation” to:


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rigorous implementation science methods and tools for researchers and public health practitioners to prevent HIV and drug abuse